Symptoms of Mold Sickness. No two patients with CIRS have exactly the same symptoms, as there can be variations in the way the inflammatory response manifests. Also, your body compensates with hormone production in different ways.
Do you suffer from Mold Sickness?
- Headaches?
- Brain fog or difficulty concentrating?
- Memory problems?
- Vertigo or feeling lightheaded?
- Sensitivity to bright light or blurred vision?
- Fatigue or weakness?
- Burning or tearing eyes?
- Nausea?
- Diarrhea?
- Stomach cramps?
- Sinus congestion?
- Recurring cough?
- Asthma?
- Shortness of breath?
- Muscle aches or cramps?
- Joint pain?
- Sleep disturbance?
- Trouble losing weight?
- Sensitivity to gluten?
If you feel that part or all of this list describes your condition, then you could be struggling with chronic inflammatory response syndrome.
If you think you have Mold Sickness… Have your house checked for mold right away. More than likely, everyone in your family may have it as well. Get your home tested. Most times, it is covered by homeowners insurance.