Symptoms of CIRS: Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
Recognize symptoms of CIRS and help your body fight back with this complete guide to recognizing, testing and treating Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
Recognize symptoms of CIRS and help your body fight back with this complete guide to recognizing, testing and treating Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.
Did you know: When buying a home, most home inspections don’t include a thorough mold inspection?
Grab a flashlight and our home mold checklist to see if you have mold lurking.
From mild, allergic-like reactions to the development of chronic disease, symptoms caused by black mold vary greatly. Find out how to test and detox your life.
Another factor that might be standing in your way of better health could be your genes. But you don’t have to let your genes rule your world. The MTHFR gene is important in your body’s proper detoxification process. We will dive deep into how a mutation in this gene may be affecting your health in “Could the MTHFR Gene be the Secret to Healing Your Mold Illness.”
There are plenty of ways to help you detox from these mycotoxins. Learn how to detox from mold and get back to living your best life by reading my article “Detox From Mold with Glutathione – The Mother of All Antioxidants.” Glutathione therapy is crucial after mold exposure to rid your body of the damaging toxins and boost your immune system.
There’s over a 50% chance you could be living in a water-damaged home. This increasing problem of mold is worldwide and can have adverse effects on you and your family. Your immune system can’t handle mold’s tiny little spores and could be the cause of your Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Find out in our new article this month “Is Mold Triggering Your Mast Cell Activation Syndrome” if these toxins could be wreaking havoc on your body.
Environmental toxins are everywhere and pretty much unavoidable in today’s world. Dealing with mold toxicity can become a real frustrating hassel when we are already trying to battle everyday toxins. In this month’s articles, we talk about one environmental toxin which could be hindering your mold detox journey – your food. Read “The Mold Detox Diet” to learn what to eat and how to avoid those dirty toxins.
It’s best to err on the side of caution, as mold exposure is an accumulative trigger of chronic inflammatory response syndrome.
If chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) is suspected, we would conduct a blood test to check for the genes HLA-DR and HLA-DQ which indicate CIRS susceptibility.
No two patients with CIRS have exactly the same symptoms, as there can be variations in the way the inflammatory response manifests. Also, your body compensates with hormone production in different ways.