Dr. Jessica Jellison, MD, graduated summa cum laude from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She earned her medical degree and completed her residency training at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She is Board-Certified in Internal Medicine. After practicing conventional internal medicine, she knew her patients needed more than just 15-minute appointments and pharmaceutical medications.
Dr. Jessica Jellison, MD and Dr. Paul Reicherter, MD
Dr. Paul Reicherter, MD and Dr. Jessica Jellison, MDDr. Jessica Jellison, MD and Dr. Paul Reicherter, MDDr. Jessica Jellison, MD and Dr. Paul Reicherter, MD

Jessica and Paul

Jellison Integrative provides quality patient care through complementary and alternative therapies. Our integrative goal is to provide exceptional and compassionate care by utilizing integrative and functional medicine practices. We are dedicated to helping our patients create positive changes in their lives by looking after their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Dr. Jellison and Dr.…

The Mold Detox Diet

The Mold Detox Diet

Environmental toxins are everywhere and pretty much unavoidable in today’s world. Dealing with mold toxicity can become a real frustrating hassel when we are already trying to battle everyday toxins. In this month’s articles, we talk about one environmental toxin which could be hindering your mold detox journey – your food. Read “The Mold Detox Diet” to learn what to eat and how to avoid those dirty toxins.